Differentiated, expressive and the target group always in mind: with a clear vision, EIGENSONNE wants to reach all of Germany and get the energy transition rolling. The start-up is distinguished primarily by the simplicity and friendliness in every area of the company.
To bring the vision to life, we explored every corner of the brand: from the logo and typography to the illustration style, imagery and UX/UI of the website. Along the way, we developed a unique key element that conveyed the companies' products light and energy across campaigns. Every element of the final brand reflects simplicity and friendliness, resulting in the holistic brand identity EIGENSONNE is using to achieve the transitioning of energy.
Thank you
A huge thank you to the EIGENSONNE crew - especially Ava, Benni, Kim, Viktor, Nils and Constantin - for the strong partnership in this project. And of course a huge thank you to Lea Grobler-Kalinowsky for the pictures, as well as the German Design Award Team for the Brand Design Award.